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Stone Song: sommer udstilling. Åbning kl 12-17 Lørdag den 22 Juni

Henning Christiansen Arkiv

Stone Song udstillingen.

Henning Christiansen’s Stone Song projekt handler om syngene sten.

Allerede i 1989 havde Henning opfundet Stein-Zeit-Grammo som er en grammofon spiller som har en flintesten pick up og som spiller på små flintesten som er påklistret en på en grammofon spiller. Lyden bliver forstærket og brugt som baggrunds lyd i film, performances og udstillinger. Året efter, i 1990 rejste vi til Sydney biennalen for at opføre Stone Song Opus 196 med Bjørn Nørgaard og Ken Unsworth. Ken er en australsk kunstner som arbejder med installationer, han havde netop udstillet en flyvende stencirkel i Berlin og var blevet venner med Henning der. Henning og Ken er interesseret i den universelle tidsløshed, som stenen repræsenterer. Stenen, som er fri og ruller fra strand til strand i årtusinder, er en stor inspirationskilde for de to kunstnere, begge fra en ø Henning fra Møn og Ken fra Australien. Det førte til en tredages af 7 timer lang performance i Cell Block Teater under Sydney biennalen med Ken Henning og Bjørn Nørgaard hvor Stenen var i centrum. Her spillede Henning på grønmalede sten, som symboliserer en hyldest til de frit rullende sten.

I udstillingen bliver der vist værker af og om sten fra perioden 1989-1992 en periode, der bestod af håb efter Berlin murens fald og Sovjetunionens opløsning. Henning var i den periode også i New York hvor som han siger var en grøn mand der vandrede rundt på sten.

Udstillingen er Henning Christiansens arkivs sommer udstilling. Åbning kl 12-17 Lørdag den 22 Juni og frem til finissage den 24 August 2024. Åben Torsdage 12-15 Fredage 12-17 og Lørdage 12-15 

Henning Christiansen Arkiv. Det Grønne Øre. Storegade 18D i Luffes Gård. 4780 Stege. MØN. Danmark. Mobil: 0045 71944894. Email: christiansentobi@hotmail.com Web: www.henningchristiansenarkiv.dk

English version:

Stone Song 1990-2024

Henning Christiansen’s Stone Song project is about singing stones.

Already in 1989, Henning had invented the Stein-Zeit-Grammo, which is a gramophone player that has a flintstone pick up and which plays on small flintstones that are stuck on a gramophone player. The sound is amplified and used as background sound in films, performances and exhibitions.

The following year, in 1990, we traveled to the Sydney Biennale to perform Stone Song Opus 196 with Bjørn Nørgaard and Ken Unsworth. Ken is an Australian artist who works with installations, he had just exhibited a flying stone circle in Berlin and had become friends with Henning there. Henning and Ken are interested in the universal timelessness that the stone represents. The stone, which is free and rolls from beach to beach for millennia, is a great source of inspiration for the two artists, both from an island Henning from Møn and Ken from Australia.

This led to a three-day, 7-hour long performance in the Cell Block Theater during the Sydney Biennale with Ken, Henning and Bjørn Nørgaard, where Stenen was at the center. Here, Henning played on green-painted stones, which symbolize a tribute to the freely rolling stones. The exhibition shows works of and about stone from the period 1989-1992, a period that consisted of hope after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the dissolution of the Soviet Union. During that period, Henning was also in New York where, as he says, there was a green man walking around on stones. The exhibition is Henning Christiansen’s archive’s summer exhibition.

Opening 12-17 Saturday 22 June The opening will be celebrated with bubbles and Sten music! Welcome! The exhibition is expected to finish on 24 August 2024. Open Thursdays 12-15 Fridays 12-17 and Saturdays 12-15 ore by appointment!. Henning Christiansen Archive. The Green Ear. Storegade 18D in Luffes Gård. 4780 Stege. MON. Denmark. Mobile: 0045 71944894. Email: christiansentobi@hotmail.com. Web: www.henningchristiansenarkiv.dk